San Felice Circeo

San Felice Circeo

San Felice Circeo San Felice del Circeo is situated 100m above sea level on the eastern slopes of the peninsula. It is an enchanting place that has been rocked and cradled by the forces of history. The legend recounts that Ulysses was bewitched by the Nymph Circe and...


Rome Rome is a synonym to history. It has been Imperial, Classic, Baroque, the reign of kings and Popes, and it is the capital of Italy, the eternal city. It is no easy task to put a starting date to the myth of Rome. Over thousands of years it has stood firm in the...


Ladispoli Ladispoli is associated with the mysterious disappearance of the artist Caravaggio and remains one of history’s most famous detective stories. The painter was seen alive for the last time in front of the Odescalchi di Palo Laziale castle, ready to board a...


Grottaferrata Grottaferrata lies on the slopes of Colli Albani to the south-east of Rome, an area covered in acres of vineyards and cultivated fields. It was once the site of villas and estates of Roman noblemen such as Marco Tullio Cicerone who reportedly had a...


Fiuggi Fiuggi held centenary celebrations in 2011, ceremoniously toasting the thermal spa baths to which the town owes its fame. Fiuggi is set on a pleasant hillside surrounded by chestnut woods, and is a mixture of a medieval village and la Fonte (the spring), down...