
Rome is a synonym to history. It has been Imperial, Classic, Baroque, the reign of kings and Popes, and it is the capital of Italy, the eternal city. It is no easy task to put a starting date to the myth of Rome. Over thousands of years it has stood firm in the passing of every era, managing to absorb the best of foreign cultures that have passed through its gates. Nor is it easy to draw the borders of a historical map featuring all aspects of its splendor, from the Imperial Rome of the Caesars to the more recent rich heritage of Italian art. Italy takes pride in having a living open-air monument as its showpiece to the world; its streets, squares, churches, fountains, steps and palatial buildings are a unique testimony to man’s capacity to transform and shape marble, to play with colour and light, to master lines and curves in a celebration of artistic vision. It is the fusion of all these elements that has made Rome unique and eternal. The passions and emotions are found in masterfully told epic stories and novels that bear witness to its unpredictable nature, which is what makes it a much-loved icon throughout the world.