La Maddalena

La Maddalena

La Maddalena La Maddalena is an archipelago of about 60 little islands whose beaches, bays, coves and century-old little towns make it a perfect example of Sardinian geography; picture postcard spots of wild beauty. We might compare the archipelago to a Royal court,...


Chia Chia is famous for its Majestic sand dunes, rising up like castles sculpted by the wind and the tides. It is a wonder of nature, particular in the early hours of the morning when the first rays of the sun light up the colours of the lagoon that spans the area of...
Baja Sardinia

Baja Sardinia

Baja Sardinia Formerly known as Cala Battistone, named after a local warden who seemed to possess the powers of the God Neptune, Baja Sardinia is a charming little town with white buildings that look out over the crystal clear sea water and the fine sandy beaches. It...


Alghero Alghero is an ancient medieval Catalan coastal town, proud of the infinity of colours and landscapes decorated by sunshine, and of the stories and legends handed down from past glorious civilisations, from whom it has also inherited a culinary tradition that...