
Siena is a splendid city, and a World Heritage Site flooded with eternal beauty, by its medieval structures. Starting from ‘Piazza del Campo’ with its incomparable, uncorrupted architecture, with its very distinctive shell-shaped concentrically enclosing joyful, merry life. Above all, twice a year in July and mid-August, on the occasion of the “Palio”, a thrilling horse race is held between the seventeen “contrade”, the quarters of Siena. Facing the Square are the majestic Palazzo Comunale or Town Hall, also called the “Pubblico”, built at the beginning of the 14th century on orders of the government of the Sienese Republic and with the Mangia Bell Tower looking down on it. Our journey continues among the golden masterpieces of the Cathedral and the green countryside, in places where the great art of the past merges with the fantastic landscapes of the present. Then entering, like wayfarers from another time, the tiny, mysterious lanes between towers and castles to find marvelous views, perhaps after having rediscovered fantastic traces of the Templar knights and noblewomen.