Montecatini Terme

Giuseppe Verdi, the maestro of Aida and La Traviata, often said: “There is only one place where I can really be myself and find the true joy of living: Montecatini.” Christian Dior, the French designer, was enthusiastic about this area: “It really inspires me. Here I can smell fragrances that exist nowhere else. I can see colours that no other place provides.” Giuseppe Verdi and Christian Dior have left their marks on this large Italian complex housing the thermal baths. Centuries of history reside in Montecatini, in the heart of Tuscany, which has always linked its greatness to the recognised healing powers of its chloride-sulphate-sodic waters, often deservedly called as the Elixir of Life. The Baths are also a historical monument, a true Park holding several excellent bathing establishments with long therapeutic traditions.
For centuries, these baths have been a place of regeneration, well-being and beauty, thanks to the liquid treasure in the depths of the subsoil, which after a long journey through limestone and clay deposits, gushes out in the springs of Tettuccio, Regina, Excelsior, Leopoldine, Salute, Redi and Torretta.